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The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men ペーパーバック – 2001/6/12

4.7 5つ星のうち4.7 540個の評価

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Despite popular belief, American boys tag behind girls in reading and writing ability, and they are less likely to go to college. Our young men are greatly at risk, yet the best-known studies and experts insist that it's girls who are in need of our attention. The highly publicized "girl crisis" has led to many changes in American schools, politics, and parenting...but at what cost?

In this provocative book, Christina Hoff Sommers argues that our society has continued to overemphasize the troubles of girls while our boys suffer from the same self-esteem and academic problems. Boys need help, but not the sort of help they've been getting.

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A New York Times Notable Book of the Year

"Provocative and controversial . . . Sommers's voice is impassioned and articulate."--Marilyn Gardner, The Christian Science Monitor

"The burden of [this] thoughtful, provocative book is that it is American boys who are in trouble, not girls. Ms. Sommers . . . makes these arguments persuasively and unflinchingly, with plenty of data to support them."--Richard Bernstein, The New York Times

"This book promises to launch and influence an enduring national debate . . . . The author trains her empirical and polemical skills on an issue of demonstrable and often poignant urgency."--Mary Eberstadt, The Washington Times

"In Christina Hoff Sommers's splendid new book . . . she shows the damage that is being done to our sons by adults determined to stop them from being, well, boys."--Danielle Crittenden, New York Post


Marilyn Gardner The Christian Science Monitor Provocative and controversial...Sommers's voice is impassed and articulate.

Richard Bernstein
The New York Times The burden of [this] thoughtful, provocative book is that it is American boys who are in trouble, not girls. Ms. Sommers... makes these arguments persuasively and unflinchingly, with plenty of data to support them.

Mary Eberstadt
The Washington Times This book promises to launch and influence an enduring national debate....The author trains her empirical and polemical skills on an issue of demonstrable and often poignant urgency.

Danielle Crittenden
New York Post In Christina Hoff Sommers's splendid new book...she shows the damage that is being done to our sons by adults determined to stop them from being, well, boys.


  • 出版社 ‏ : ‎ Simon & Schuster (2001/6/12)
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2001/6/12
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語
  • ペーパーバック ‏ : ‎ 256ページ
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0684849577
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0684849577
  • 寸法 ‏ : ‎ 13.97 x 1.91 x 20.96 cm
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.7 5つ星のうち4.7 540個の評価


Christina Hoff Sommers
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Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.






上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

同じ著者による前著『Who Stole Feminism?』の項も参照されたい。本書は前著で取り上げていた「自尊心研究」を起爆剤にしたキャンペーンが、アメリカの教育界に浸透した結果、初等教育がやばくなっているという話である。前著と比べるといささか迫力に欠け、「自尊心研究」の問題点を論じる部分は前著と重なりあっているけれども、私は楽しんで読むことができた。

 前著ではジェンダー・フェミニズムのアカデミアへの浸透が大きな問題として扱われていたが、こちらはそこから事態が進展して、初等教育に影響がおよび、それが実際に弊害をもたらしていると論じている。これは実はこのところ日本でホットなトピックとなっている「ゆとり教育批判」と重なり合う部分がある(『論争・学力崩壊』など)。日本では文部省が「ゆとり教育」の首謀者であるとして批判されるが、著者がアメリカでの1990年代の「ゆとり教育」の首謀者として名指しするのはジェンダー・フェミニズムである。そして、この「ゆとり教育」(著者は"progressive"などの言葉を使っている)の被害が、やはりジェンダー・フェミニズムのバイアスのおかげで男子生徒に集中する。これがタイトルの"The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men"の意味。



 なお、上記の『女の能力、男の能力』の著者ドリーン・キムラは、大学におけるジェンダー・フェミニストの活動に反対する意思を公にしているカナダ人女性であり、ソマーズが言うところのequity feministである。生態学/動物行動学をベースにしている長谷川真理子(『進化と人間行動』)は、『科学の目 科学のこころ』において、日本のフェミニストとの共同作業をやろうとしてしんどかったという感想を遠まわしに述べていた。equity feministでないはずがない長谷川真理子が(まあそれを言ったら、equity feministで「ない」人はそうそうはいないと思うが)、ジェンダー・フェミニストとの共同作業をやろうと思えたこと自体が、日本におけるフェミニズムの状況のいくつかの側面を示唆しているように思う。これを「違い」ととるべきなのか、「遅れ」ととるべきなのかは、私にはよくわからない。その手のものをまったく読まなくなってしまったので。ただ「遅れ」だとしたら、後発組の利益を享受できるかもしれない、と言っておこう。



Cliente Amazon
5つ星のうち5.0 A honest, disturbing and open eyes book
Passionate and well argumentated book about how actually boys are the ones discriminated and mistreated in schools and education. Parents may recognize some situations on their sons by first hand
5つ星のうち5.0 We've always been told that there is a war against ...
We've always been told that there is a war against girls, but the real war is against boys. Christina Hoff-Sommers, the factual feminist, talks about how our society treats its young boys and men. A must read!
Guillaume Duclouet
5つ星のうち5.0 Une analyse des dérives du féminisme en matière d'éducation
Cet ouvrage n'est pas destiné aux amateurs du politiquement correct ni aux défenseurs invétérés du féminisme. Mais à ceux curieux des tendances profondes qui influencent l'évolution de notre société.

L'auteur, professeur de philosophie pendant 15 ans, écrivit ce livre à la fin des années 1990, puis l'a repris dans une nouvelle édition, afin de mettre à jour notamment les études scientifiques sur lesquelles elle s'était appuyée en premier lieu. Elle évolue dorénavant au sein de l'American Enterprise Institute, plutôt proche de l'aile réaliste du parti républicain.

Ce livre aborde la manière dont le système éducatif américain, après une longue évolution débutée dans les années 1980, a progressivement rendu la vie de plus en plus difficile aux garçons à l'école. Bien que centré sur les Etats-Unis, le livre évoque également la Grande-Bretagne et l'Australie, et ses leçons sont tout à fait valides pour la France (bien que les chiffres soient différents bien entendu).

L'auteur évoque tout d'abord les nombreux programmes fédéraux américains développés en matière d'éducation au cours des 30 dernières années qui ont, et souvent à juste titre, largement favorisé et soutenu la progression des jeunes femmes au sein du système scolaire et universitaire afin de compenser le désavantage historique dont elles avaient souffert. Bien que reconnaissant un certain mérite à ces programmes, l'auteur tient à mettre en exergue très vite les conséquences néfastes, voire parfois désastreuses, que ces réformes du système scolaire américain ont eu sur les garçons. C'est à ce titre, en documentant très sérieusement ses assertions, qu'elle dénonce les manigances d'une partie du lobby féministe, totalement sourd à ce drame.
L'auteur démontre scrupuleusement comment les jeunes garçons sont vite stigmatisés dans un environnement éducatif devenu extrêmement féminisé, tant au regard du personnel qu'au regard des valeurs qui y sont désormais véhiculées. Elle s'indigne du fait que les garçons risquent de devenir très rapidement le 2ème sexe, alors même que le lobby féminin et les hommes politiques à sa botte continuent de faire la sourde oreille, et continuent de ne se préoccuper que de l'avancement des jeunes femmes.
L'auteur dénonce, dans la logique des débats sur la théorie du genre qui animent les cercles universitaires américains, mais également français, la volonté de certaines féministes de changer la nature masculine.

S'appuyant sur du bon sens, et armée d'arguments incisifs, Christina Hoff Summers jette un véritable pavé dans la mare pour prendre la défense de la vaste entreprise d'émasculation entreprise à l'encontre de nos jeunes garçons, et pour défendre une société où hommes et femmes évolueraient à égalité, dans le respect des différences de chacun.

A rapprocher, bien que très différent dans l'approche, du livre "Nos garçons en danger" du psychologue français Stéphane Clerget.

Enfin, la version Kindle est impeccable.
5つ星のうち5.0 in pre school and primary school do better academically. You would think that better educated boys ...
This book details how feminists in the US have used fraudulent research, claiming girls to be in crisis when they are not and in fact it is boys who are being outperformed, to get special programs in schools for their own political ends.

The book also shows how feminists are interfering with boys normal harmless play. The author shows the type of behaviour that does cause harm in boys. As is happens when Tony Blair was the UK prim minister he pointed out research that shows that boys who play with boys stereotyped toys, including to toy guns, in pre school and primary school do better academically. You would think that better educated boys would be less violent rather than more.

Sommers points out the general types of educational settings that give better behaviour and academic results in boys including more guided learning and stricter discipline.

As it happens I was studying maths in the mid 1990's in Australia and our lecturers had to have a special meeting of all the maths students because the ability of maths and engineering students had fallen so badly in the previous 15 years. This happens to be the time when girls school and university marks went from behind to ahead of boys. That there should be a large overall reduction in ability when half the population has improved so much is hard to understand and is more like the legitimate advantages of boys are not being taught or assessed properly. Also during this time, and earlier, work kept being removed from high school science, such as parts of the REDOX and carbon chemistry electives for final year chemistry in 1984, and in every case girls marks improved.

Also while I was studying maths the state education minister Virginia Chadwick said the words "Boys read maps better, so we changed them." Boys tend to get the specific thing from the whole better due to their spatial advantage, say, which is a legitimate part of real world activity. This has lead to question types to be created that are designed to get answers right, say by being more discrete, rather than including legitimate cognitive areas thus improving girls marks

I think the deliberate hindering of boys in school has lead to the above mentioned poor ability in the areas historically done well by boys in universities causing universities to have to dumb down the work where girls have had their problems as universities don't want high a failure rates. In 1994 all students where I studied were told that there would be a failure restriction of .15% in all classes with 30 or more in the class due to federal government funding changes. The maths degree did not have a single compliant subject although 15 years earlier before the girls improved at school and university as much the maths people would not have had a problem with this failure restriction. When I did data structures only 30% of the class passed, all the girls failed, then the next time they had to pass 85%.
The author writes (p. 199): "The public has given no one a mandate to pursue a policy of privileging girls." And yet, as Christina Hoff Sommers repeats in the revised edition of her 2000 book, a small group of ideological feminists have claimed that Americans should do that, and from many quarters there is evidence that they have. This "New and Revised Edition" of "THE WAR AGAINST BOYS" is a welcome return of an important book. Sommers, a philosopher by education and a mother of two boys, shows that the trend she identified in the late 1990s to see boys as defective girls and therefore somehow in need of retooling has continued, and its effects have spread. The importance of Sommers' book lies especially in pointing out the misrepresentations of fact by leading advocates of making over boyhood. She takes to task the reputation of a major research institution for having missed oversight of assertions presumably based on scientific investigation that are, in fact, wishful thinking on the part of high-profile faculty. Her target is Carol Gilligan in particular, who managed to convince important activists, journalists and others in the media about the presumed defectiveness of boys that results from the dominance of patriarchy in American society. Go to this book if you are a parent. Take it to school administrators especially if your children are in grade school but realize that contempt for men and masculinity is now pervasive in higher education as well. If you are paying $50,000+ a year for a son's education, check out what courses are being taught that are disparage the young men in class. Sommers is a feminist in the way anyone who is clear-thinking is a feminist: someone who supports women in having access to education and employment opportunities of every kind. She is, however, a potent opponent of ideological feminists (contemporary "gender equity" feminists). As Sommers points out, regardless of the claims of social constructivists, boys and girls are different, and they cannot be refashioned to feel and experience and act in ways that are not part of their disposition (her word). There are biobehavioral realities that are well-documented but simply ignored by a small group of feminists (male and female) who insist loudly that even the possibility of basic differences between the sexes exist. She is a fan of masculinity in the traditional sense. It is pretty obvious that so are MOST women, too. Sommers provides examples of schools that harm boys and schools that support them. She points out that federal government opposes many initiatives in public and private schooling that would support boys in their growing up. She notes that in Australia and the UK such efforts to do better by boys are under way, but they are nipped in the bud in the States, mostly by virtue of the threat of law suits. She points to the complicity of all three branches of the federal government in standing in the way of even trying boy-friendly practices in school. Finally, she repeats that the tendency of thinking of boys as somehow psychologically ill as a result of being raised as their bodies tell them they must experience the world must be distinguished from the consequence of real harm suffered by boys in an environment that tells them there is something wrong with them for being boys. This is an important book for speaking out on behalf of boys and cutting through the rhetoric and false claims of so-called gender specialists who have taken over academe and whose pronouncements resound in the echo chamber (her metaphor) of the media.