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タミヤ 1/48 傑作機シリーズ モスキートMk.VI

4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 55個の評価



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  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 30.48 x 30.48 x 12.7 cm; 453.59 g
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 1998/10/14
  • Amazon.co.jp での取り扱い開始日 ‏ : ‎ 2004/9/14
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ タミヤ(TAMIYA)
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00061HH9K
  • 商品モデル番号 ‏ : ‎ TMYTAM61062
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.5 5つ星のうち4.5 55個の評価











上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

色: Mk.VIAmazonで購入
色: B Mk.IV






Dennis E.
5つ星のうち5.0 Received in good condition and within time frame.
色: B Mk.IVAmazonで購入
Received the item within the time frame Nov 27 to Dec 2 in good condition. Looking forward to builting it soon - Tamiya products are generally good models to work with.
Philip John Turner
5つ星のうち4.0 Kit was usual Tamiya standard perfect fit very expensive p&p did not realise it had ...
色: NF Mk.XIIIAmazonで購入
Kit was usual Tamiya standard perfect fit very expensive p&p did not realise it had to come from japan and then had to pay duty but hey ho that's what append when you buy rare kits in order to complete a collection
International British Modeler
5つ星のうち5.0 As always, Tamiya delivers the goods!
色: Mk.VIAmazonで購入
This kit is well worth the money that I paid for it when taking into consideration how well engineered it is, the quality of the molded product, the detail within the cockpit, wheel assemblies, bomb bay and front gun magazine compartment, when compared to other manufacturers that mold this aircraft. The fits of parts is excellent, I only needed a small amount of filler on the top of the fuselage. The parts come with finely recessed panel lines and rivets which look great when highlighted using a wash of oil paints. The decals offer 3 different squadron markings that went on really well and looked painted on when applying to a gloss varnished surface then finished with two coats of matte/flat varnish. The model can be displayed with the cockpit door in the open position and an access ladder put in place. The front gun magazine compartment cover panel can be left unglued to remove and display the inner detail. I modeled mine with both of these options and can be seen in the images above. I have to say that out of the 7 kits that I have built to date, this is the best one yet. It was a joy to build and the final results are extremely pleasing. This model has now taken the prime location on our lounge display cabinet, illuminated by the built in LED lights! If you are a fan of the Mosquito, fondly known as the Mossie or the Wooden Wonder because of it being constructed mainly of wood, making it one of the most formidable Fighter Bomber aircraft of WW.II, very fast and maneuverable because of its light weight, you MUST buy this kit.....I highly recommend it!! I will be buying another one, but when I do, I will be buying the after market resin Rolls Royce Merlin Engines and engine cowling covers, along with the etched brass seats and safety belts and a resin set of movable ailerons, flaps and rudder to make it look even more realistic than it already does. My only negative about this kit is; it would have been nice for the ailerons, flaps and rudder to be separate assemblies so that they can be modeled in any position. That said, at the assembly stage, one can cut these from the solid molded parts and refit in open positions. Go ahead, make your day....buy one now!!
International British Modeler
5つ星のうち5.0 As always, Tamiya delivers the goods!
This kit is well worth the money that I paid for it when taking into consideration how well engineered it is, the quality of the molded product, the detail within the cockpit, wheel assemblies, bomb bay and front gun magazine compartment, when compared to other manufacturers that mold this aircraft. The fits of parts is excellent, I only needed a small amount of filler on the top of the fuselage. The parts come with finely recessed panel lines and rivets which look great when highlighted using a wash of oil paints. The decals offer 3 different squadron markings that went on really well and looked painted on when applying to a gloss varnished surface then finished with two coats of matte/flat varnish. The model can be displayed with the cockpit door in the open position and an access ladder put in place. The front gun magazine compartment cover panel can be left unglued to remove and display the inner detail. I modeled mine with both of these options and can be seen in the images above. I have to say that out of the 7 kits that I have built to date, this is the best one yet. It was a joy to build and the final results are extremely pleasing. This model has now taken the prime location on our lounge display cabinet, illuminated by the built in LED lights! If you are a fan of the Mosquito, fondly known as the Mossie or the Wooden Wonder because of it being constructed mainly of wood, making it one of the most formidable Fighter Bomber aircraft of WW.II, very fast and maneuverable because of its light weight, you MUST buy this kit.....I highly recommend it!! I will be buying another one, but when I do, I will be buying the after market resin Rolls Royce Merlin Engines and engine cowling covers, along with the etched brass seats and safety belts and a resin set of movable ailerons, flaps and rudder to make it look even more realistic than it already does. My only negative about this kit is; it would have been nice for the ailerons, flaps and rudder to be separate assemblies so that they can be modeled in any position. That said, at the assembly stage, one can cut these from the solid molded parts and refit in open positions. Go ahead, make your day....buy one now!!
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John Melvin
5つ星のうち5.0 Tamiya delivers the goods
色: Mk.VIAmazonで購入
Yet another 5 stars for one of the model kit markets solid brands. Great model with 3 different configurations available...clear instructions and well moulded plastic. Well worth the buy.
Felix Sandberg
5つ星のうち5.0 Bewährte Qualität
色: B Mk.IVAmazonで購入
Das Modell hält, was der Name Tamiya verspricht: Gute Vorbildgenauigkeit, ausgezeichnete Passung und Baubarkeit, feine Prägung, schöne Detaillierung. Der Bombenschacht ist komplett dargestellt und kann offen gezeigt werden (wie die Einstiegsluke), aber auch der sonstige Innenraum ist gut wiedergegeben. Die elegante Form der "Mossie" hat Tamiya gut getroffen. Gegenüber dem ebenfalls gelungenen und für alle Varianten (Bomber, Jagdbomber, Nachtjäger) nutzbaren alten Monogram-Bausatz ist Tamiya natürlich feiner und detaillierter, aber die einzelnen Varianten sind nur als separate Bausätze erhältlich. Hier ist nur die Bomber-Variante mit Glas-"Nase" enthalten, die auch als Foto-Aufklärer dargestellt werden kann. Für die Nachtjäger (frühe und späte Version) und den mit Raketen bewaffneten Jagdbomber gibt es von Tamiya drei weitere separate Kits. Der Bausatz ist insgesamt qualitativ auch noch etwas besser als der gelungene Airfix-Bausatz (aus dem man nur Nachtjäger und Jagdbomber darstellen kann). Dem wesentlich neueren Bausatz der Bombervariante von Revell ist Tamiya hingegen meilenweit voraus: Revell hat bekanntlich die Chance zu einem Spitzenmodell einmal wieder gründlich vertan, mit schlechter Plastikqualität, Sinkstellen, mangelnder Passung, zu komplexem Innenleben (mehr gewollt als gekonnt) und Fehlern bei der Form (Fahrwerk, Motoren). Tamiya bleibt das Maß der Dinge, wenn man dieses elegante "hölzerne Wunder" der Royal Air Force im Maßstab 1:48 nachbauen möchte. Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist ausgezeichnet. Den Bausatz kann man nur empfehlen.